Narrative-based Story Listening Skills & Strategies to Support Career Exploration & Development
Date: Friday, November 4, 2022
In-person: 9:00am-3:00pm (8:30am check in)
Zoom: 9:00am-12:00pm (morning session only)
Facilitator: Mark Franklin M.Ed,P.Eng

Program Description:
People's careers and lives go through cycles of stability and change. During times of transition, individuals must self-reflect on past experiences to help clarify important elements and explore possible next steps. The HEROICg Narrative Assessment System, developed by Mark Franklin and Rich Feller of OneLife Tools, helps guide students and clients through a narrative career and life clarification process rooted in life stories, followed by a guided exploration of their most promising possibilities. This presentation/workshop will provide an overview of an evidence-based narrative assessment system (that builds upon 10+ existing theories), as well as an overview of outcomes in how to help individuals make clear, inspired and well-informed choices. Participants will have an opportunity to see the HEROICg narrative assessment system demonstrated in real time, practice “storylistening” skills in reflective practice using narrative methods, and expand their practitioner toolkit with new practice tools and methodologies including access to an online storyteller system.
*Please note: for any participants who attended the 2019 MCDA Fall Workshop with Rich Feller, this workshop will be a different presentation and workshop with new information, activities, and tools than explored last time!
Participant Learning Outcomes:
- Understand an evidence-based narrative assessment system and be able to apply strategies to career practice with diverse students, clients, and in various career development settings.
- Learn about HEROICg theory, mindset and outcomes, and how it builds on 10+ existing theories.
- Build and practice “storylistening skills,” a method for hearing client stories in new ways; including a live demo.
- Expand practitioners’ toolkits with new reflective practice tools and methodologies
- Learn how colleges, universities, organizations have embedded narrative assessment into scalable programs.
- Provide career practitioners with access to Wayfinder Search Site to find reflective practices to unlock career development value for experiential learning and beyond.
This program is eligible for 4.25 clock hours (in person) or 2.5 clock hours (zoom morning session) through NCDA for those who hold NCDA credentials.
Morning Session 9:00-12:00 (in person and on zoom)
All participants will be given handouts, narrative worksheet and access code to Online Storyteller platform
8:30-9:00 am Registration & Refreshments (in person)
9:00-9:15 am Welcome Remarks MCDA President/BerryDunn/Speaker Intro
9:15-10:15 am Keynote - HEROICg Narrative Assessment System
10:15-10:30 am Q&A (in person and moderated zoom chat)
10:30-10:45 Break
10:45-11:45 Live Demonstration & Discussion
12:00- 1:00 LUNCH BREAK
Afternoon Session 1:00-3:00 (in-person only)
1:00- 3:00 Interactive Session
Using Narrative Assessment in Your Work
In Person (BerryDunn) Full Day Registration
Current MCDA Members: $85 (full day in person)
Lapsed Membership/Non-members: $105* (in person)
Current Regional CDA Members (outside of Maine): $85**
Student Rate: $40
Zoom morning session only
Current MCDA Members: $50
Lapsed Membership/Non-members: $70
Current Regional CDA Members (outside of Maine): $50**
Student Rate: $40
*Members whose memberships have lapsed can renew their 2022-2023 membership by registering as a Lapsed Member/Non-Member. The membership fee ($20) will automatically be included in the registration cost. If you are unsure of your membership status, please contact Meg Gerry below.
**For members of other regional career development associations, please
e-mail Meg Gerry below to verify your membership after registration.
Questions or registration issues? Contact Meg Gerry, MCDA Fall Workshop Registration Committee
About the Speaker:
Mark Franklin M.Ed,P.Eng is co-founder of OneLifeTools, practice leader of CareerCycles, and teaches career management at University of Toronto. He co-authored Conversations Matter, Who You Are Matters! and Online Storyteller, based on the “HEROICg” narrative assessment career framework. It draws on 10+ theories including positive psychology, to elicit career development value from clients' career and life stories. He has trained 1500+ helping professionals on using the framework for structured reflection and gamification. Mark consulted in his earlier engineering career, before earning a Masters in counseling then leading student services initiatives at two large universities. Mark is the recipient of the Stu Conger Career Development Leadership Award, and hosts Career Buzz radio show and podcast.